Women in Fitness Summit

Sat 29th & Sun 30th June – 10am-4pm
Hosted by Strong Island East in Canary Wharf
The Roof Garden, East Side, Crossrail Place, London, E14 5AR
17 leading experts in the fitness industry will deliver the third
The event will be held over two days – the first for fitness industry professionals and the second for fitness enthusiasts.
It’s not enough today to work your passion, loving training will ill-equip you for the competitive industry of fitness. The business of fitness requires you to be very clear on who you are and what you bring to the industry. Success first requires overcoming fear; then welcoming a relationship with failure, our greatest teacher. There’s room for each and every one of us to thrive in this industry, bringing our own unique talent and passion to fitness and wellbeing – let’s figure out the how?
You want to know how to start and how to keep going?
You want to learn what you are not taught at PT school
You want to know how to make a business out of fitness
You want to hear real life examples of women that are paving the way in the industry today
You want to overcome fears that are holding you back
You want to communicate who you are in a way that is authentically you
Fitness lovers, there are no workouts – you’ve been doing plenty of that already, right? This summit is focused on helping you to figure out what you need to do, to get to where you want to go – no gimmicks, no false promises, just years of unfiltered experience of what works. Working out is great, but working out, how to work out, can get a little complicated!
You want to take control of your training regime and ditch the quick fixes
You want to create good habits that work for, not against you
You want to hear how ordinary women achieved extraordinary things through consistency and respecting the process
You want to build a strong mind to support your goals
You want to hear from a medical perspective how training affects our bodies as women
You want to learn about key aspects of training often overlooked
Day One Schedule : Saturday 29th June
10:10am – 10:50am – ‘Be The Change’ – Find Your Voice as a Woman in the Fitness Industry – Joslyn Thompson Rule – Nike Global Master Trainer, Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist – @joslynthompsonrule

Joslyn has been in the fitness industry for 16 years. Her early years were spent specialising in injury rehabilitation which she combined with personal training. Joslyn signed to Nike as one of their Master Trainers seven years ago: her role has included educating Nike’s Trainers globally, consulting on products and events and featuring in numerous global ad campaigns both in front of and behind the camera. For the past three years Joslyn has focused her business on educating and developing female coaches in the fitness industry – “the industry needs more women in it who feel supported in their career, education is key to that!”
11am – 11:40am – ‘NLP for your Coaching Practice’ – Karen Mannion – The Health Creator – @the_health_creator
Karen Mannion, “The Health Creator,” qualified from London’s College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2016 and has been consulting for the last three years. She uses her training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to offer a holistic approach to helps her clients live their best life. Karen looks at the bigger picture when advising clients: getting to the root of why their health goals are important to them; pulling apart limiting beliefs that are holding them back; and boosting self-esteem to give them the strength to really make lasting change happen. And of course she’ll figure out the food you should be eating to achieve your aims.

11.50am – 12:30pm ‘Fitness and Finance’ – Shareen Hassan – Financial Lead @sheen_hassan

Shareen Hassan – Financial Lead – has been in the finance industry for 17 years, starting out in the Corporate world. Four years ago, Shareen decided to start her own business, this lead her down a slightly different path. As a self employed consultant, Shareen works with small businesses and start ups as a Finance Manager, initially in food, and then to her true passion, fitness.
Shareen understands the mindset and tools required to truly turn your passion into a financially sustainable business – the bit they isn’t teach you at PT School.
12:30-1:10pm – Lunch
1:10pm – 1:50pm – ‘Don’t Be Fooled’ – You don’t need to know a lot to start, you just need to start, and learn along the way – Carli Wheatley – Entrepreneur @carliwheatley
Carli Wheatley, founder and brand creator of fitness food brands such Protein Haus and Paleo Supply. Carli is currently the creator and curator of Strong Island Fitness and Wellness Festival in Canary Wharf. Carli started as a boxing trainer at the peacock gym in Canning Town aged 17, went on to become a personal trainer working for the likes of reebok sports club, KX club Kensington, gymbox, La Fitness, boom cycle, 1 Rebel and currently teaches at BXR. “I am a motivator first and foremost and advocate for change where I feel it’s needed, I love a NEW IDEA! I’m known for bringing the fireworks in all that I do!”

2pm-2:40pm ‘Applying an Athlete Mentality to Business and Life’ – Kerry Williams – Brand Manager for Nike Training in the UK & Ireland – @kerryjw9

Kerry Williams is the Brand Manager for Nike Training in the UK & Ireland. She has been with the brand for 8years and held management positions in the three big performance categories of Football, Running and Training, as well as being a lead in the Events and Retail Marketing teams. Sport has been always been Kerry’s passion and purpose. 10 years as a GB and England international hockey player, has promoted a mentality of 100% commitment to the culture and lifestyle of the team, whilst maintaining individual style and opinion. Kerry believes that the principles of an athlete lifestyle; having insane resilience, turning set backs into opportunities and always having a strong identity, can lead to happiness and success in life and give you the confidence to take on anything.
2:50pm – 3:50pm – ‘Power Hour’ – Q&A hour finding out how these successful women are paving their way in the industry from: how they got started, the challenges they have overcome and where they see the future for women in the fitness industry. Emma Kirk-Odunubi, Track Life LDN Coach on pursuing your passion; Niki Bird Personal Trainer & Fascial Stretch Specialist on her career journey; Neha Patel Personal Trainer, on learnings from a rocky first year in the industry; Kim Ngo and Rachel Tran, co-founders of Food and Lycra on developing a fitness community; and Sinead Roberts of Feed, Fuel, Perform on switching careers and making it work.
3:50pm – 4pm – CLOSING

Day Two Schedule : Sunday 30th June
10:10am – 10:50am – ‘Training & Recovery – Your Optimal Week’ – Joslyn Thompson Rule, Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist @joslynthompsonrule

Joslyn has been in the fitness industry for the last 16 years. Her early years were spent specialising in injury rehabilitation which she combined with personal training. Joslyn signed to Nike as one of their Master Trainers seven years ago: her role has included educating Nike’s Trainers globally, consulting on products and events and featuring in numerous global ad campaigns both in front of and behind the camera. For the past two years Joslyn has focused her business on educating and developing female coaches in the fitness industry – “the industry needs more women in it who feel supported in their career, education is key to that!”
11am-11:40am ‘Pelvic floor and Menstrual Health – Do they really matter?’ – Helen Keeble, BSc (Hons) MCSP MPOGP MHCPC, Clinical Lead Physiotherapist at Helen Keeble Associates (London) – @helenkeeblephysio
Helen has been working as a specialist pelvic health physiotherapist since 2008 and is extremely passionate about raising the profile of pelvic health within sport and exercise. Helen has worked with sportswomen across all backgrounds from the complete beginner to the elite and professional. Including women from tennis, Crossfit, track and field, running and power lifting to name just a few.
Helen currently treats pelvic health clients across London & Dublin, provides post-graduate teaching for physiotherapists and heads up one third of the fabulous Pelvic Floor Patrol. Helen also loves giving public facing talks to spread the word and empower women with knowledge for safe and more effective exercising .
Helen believes that all women should be able to exercise confidently and feel proud of their body’s performance whatever their goal may be. Better understanding around pelvic floor and menstrual health is for everywoman.

11:50am – 12:30pm – ‘Fuel to Perform – Inside and Outside the Gym’ – Dr. Sinead Roberts, PhD., Sports Nutrition Coach, Feed.Fuel.Perform. @sinead.feedfuelperform

We are, quite literally, what we eat. Feed.Fuel.Perform is borne out of the knowledge that without appropriate food eaten in appropriate quantities we cannot reach our full potential – in fitness and in life!
I began my career researching metabolism, studying how the cells of our body control the addition of mass and volume and gaining a PhD at the Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, UCL. I then took a detour into the corporate world, working in financial services. During this time, I never lost the science itch and had a growing passion for metabolism in the context of sports performance. After five years, I returned to science to found my personalised sports nutrition coaching business, Feed.Fuel.Perform. My focus are sports with competing physical demands – for example CrossFit, which requires strength, speed, power, agility, endurance, and a high strength to bodyweight ratio!!
12:30pm – 1:10pm Lunch
1:10pm – 2:10pm – ‘Power Hour’ – Q&A hour finding out how these women have achieved their incredible goals in fitness and the inevitable obstacles that have overcome to keep striving: Mary Huckle Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor on living with incurable breast cancer and how exercise has helped her regain and retain her fitness; Becky Pykett, CrossFit Coach and Athlete on her journey from competitive athlete, to a new mother of twins, and her journey back from severe diastasic recti and an abdominal hernia; Leah Freelance Coach and “lifter of heavy things” on turning to fitness to deal with depression and her phenomenal coaching journey since then; and Lisa Filippina Price, Strongwoman and Yogi on how her blood disease affects both her training and her life.
2:20pm – 3pm – ‘Movement for Modern Life.’ – Getting moving is one of the best things we can do for our bodies. But exercise has a profound, yet much less appreciated effect on our immune system. And its not altogether straightforward. @dr_jenna_macciochi
Dr Jenna Macciochi has over 20 years’ experience as an Immunologist researching the impact of diet and lifestyle on the immune system and our wellbeing. A strong advocate of preventative medicine, she is on a mission to break down the science behind our wellbeing. Faced with an ever-accelerating pace of life, we may be living longer, but at what cost? With the recent upswell of advice on ‘clean’ eating and wellness. She aims to help us cultivate long-term health through simple evidence-based lifestyle approaches to help you adapt & self-manage in the face of modern life’s daily challenges. She combines fresh, real & rigorous scientific research with concepts old & new, holistic & conventional to bring the science down to simple measures.
Growing up farm-to-table in rural Scotland, Jenna is now based in Brighton where she is a lecturer at Sussex University and a qualified fitness instructor. She has a hybrid Italian Scottish family and now a mother to 4 year- old twins. She has a popular Instagram and blog and is a regular commentator in the press as the go-to person for evidence-based information on our immune system.

Karen Mannion, “The Health Creator,” qualified from London’s College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2016 and has been consulting for the last three years. She uses her training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to offer a holistic approach to helps her clients live their best life. Karen looks at the bigger picture when advising clients: getting to the root of why their health goals are important to them; pulling apart limiting beliefs that are holding them back; and boosting self-esteem to give them the strength to really make lasting change happen. And of course she’ll figure out the food you should be eating to achieve your aims.